Pundamilia House at Ol Pejeta

From Mara, David drove us to Nanyuki. The 10-hour drive was long and at moments treacherous because of the inclines around the Great Rift Valley and the muddy, unpaved roads that are virtually unnavigable without a four-wheel drive. We stopped a few times for bathroom breaks and again to have lunch at a lovely place called Thomson Falls Lodge. There was a playground that the children enjoyed and we could catch a glimpse of the Thomson Falls behind the restaurant beyond a wire fence.
We arrived at Pundamilia House at about 7:30 pm which means it was pitch black. We quickly assessed the home and the children chose rooms. Not long after we went to bed, RY came running into our room and said that there was a mosquito infestation in his room and that he had gotten at least 10 bites all over his body. DY woke up and found mosquito bites on his ears, neck and legs. Leo went into the boy’s room to battle the mosquitoes and killed 13 mosquitoes, which is the standing record in our family of per-night mosquito kills.
Bathed in the morning light, we were able to get a better idea of Pundamilia House. The two-story home is located in the Mount Kenya Wildlife Estate includes 4 bedrooms, a study, a living room and an open kitchen and dining area. On the first floor, there is an outdoor lounging area that is unfenced and leads directly into the Wildlife Estate. On the second floor, there is a large veranda with outdoor patio furniture where it is possible to enjoy the outdoors and view wildlife without the risk of coming into direct contact with animals. In the estate, there is a club house with a community pool and television room that the residents of the estate can enjoy.
We were told that the Mount Kenya Wildlife Estate is an enclosed estate that hosts only herbivores. While staying at the house, we could easily view warthogs, monkeys, impala, zebra and a variety of birds including huge groups of Guinea Fowl that peck and kick around in the dirt around sunset.
The home is owned by a wildlife photographer and videographer and is conveniently located just a few minutes’ drive from the gate of Ol Pejeta Conservancy.


  • Song

    Song is the mother of four children. She and her family have stepped away from it all and in September 2023, began traveling the world while homeschooling. Song is an ABC (American born Chinese) and has an undergraduate degree from Cornell and an MBA from Harvard. She is an entrepreneur and an educator. Her hobbies include learning, traveling, reading, cooking and baking, and being with children.

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