A Classroom without Walls

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Jama Masjid on Christmas Morning, Delhi
After countless photos with Christmas trees, Santas and festive decorations in the month leading up to Christmas, the moment was finally here. It was Christmas morning at last. The...
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Humayun's Tomb, Delhi
The Mughals ruled India for nearly 300 years from 1526 to the middle of the 19th century. The height of the empire lasted under 200 years until it was in a state of decline before the...
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India Gate, Delhi
Leo’s mom, siblings and their families arrived in New Delhi and our annual 10-day reunion began. It was the first time most of us have been to India so the tour itinerary was designed...
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Gurudwara Bangla Sahib (Sikh Temple), New Delhi
We’ve seen a show on National Geographic a few years ago called “India’s Mega Kitchens”. The show introduces massive kitchens throughout India, many of them in gurdwara’s (Sikh temples),...
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Welcome to India - Arriving in New Delhi
With memories of Greece’s endless turquoise sea and golden sunlight still dancing in our heads, we arrived in New Delhi to find ourselves in a place that couldn’t be any more different...
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Life Lessons from Greece
We all felt short-changed that we were only able to spend three weeks in Greece instead of the full month because we had plans to meet Leo’s family in India. We could have spent months...
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let's connect

Will our paths cross? Could they cross? We would love to connect and meet up in one of the places on our itinerary. 

Who we are

Curious to learn more about us and what inspired us to step away from it all to travel the world for a year?