A Classroom without Walls

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Airbnb on the Corniche, Alexandria
After nearly a month in Egypt, Alexandria would be our last stop. We made the last-minute decision to squeeze it into our itinerary because it would be the perfect segway to transition...
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Snorkeling in the Red Sea, Hurghada
Hurghada is a world-class scuba and snorkeling destination. My brother had told us that he had an Egyptian-Canadian friend who described the waters of the Red Sea as “crystal clear”....
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Makadi Water World, Hurghada
I was so excited to find the Makadi Water World during my research on Hurghada because I owed the kids a visit to a water park (see my blog post on Marloth Park). Last month when we...
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ATV Adventure near Hurghada in the Eastern Sahara
We had the opportunity to ride ATVs in the desert while we were in the Fayoum Oasis. We didn’t do it at the time because the kids were so hooked on horse-back riding. I decided to book...
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Hurghada Airbnb
I am so glad that we made the trek to visit Abu Simbel, but the truth is that we were all suffering from temple fatigue. It takes a lot of endurance for adults, not to mention kids,...
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Nile Cruise Day 5 - Disembark, Abu Simbel
Too quickly, our five-day, four-night Nile River cruise came to an end. We exchanged our boat for a van and continued south to Abu Simbel. A visit to Abu Simbel is an optional add-on...
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let's connect

Will our paths cross? Could they cross? We would love to connect and meet up in one of the places on our itinerary. 

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