A Classroom without Walls

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Acropolis Museum
Visiting museums can be mentally taxing as they require a great deal of focus and concentration. During our first few days in Athens, we didn’t feel up to visiting a serious museum...
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The Acropolis and the Parthenon
The Acropolis is a symbol of Greek history, civilization and culture. It is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world and arguably the most recognized landmark in the...
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River West Shopping Mall, Aigaleo
Our first order of business before we could start any sightseeing was to visit a shopping mall. We picked River West, about 15 minutes away from our Airbnb because it has a Decathlon....
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Athens Airbnb, Kyseli Neighborhood
Even though we have never lived here or even spent time here, arriving in Athens felt like coming home. I recognized that sense of familiarity and to be blunt, it came from being in...
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Life Lessons from Egypt
Our month in Egypt has been an eye-opening journey into the history and culture of one of the world’s oldest civilizations. When we selected Egypt as one of the 12 countries we would...
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The People and Places of Egypt
This is an ongoing page for Dean to share his research on the places we visit and the people we encounter. Egypt Without water there would be no life. Without The Nile River there...
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