Game Drive in the Enonkishu Conservancy

So welcome back everyone today with another wonderful adventure at the Enonkishu conservancy. Now for all of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, the Enonkishu conservancy is where we are staying in Mara. It is model where different stakeholders get what they need. The Maasai people get to graze their cattle and receive income from tourism, tourists get to see authentic African wildlife and the wildlife is protected. 

I was really hoping to see the Big Five. The Big Five are the five hardest animals to hunt on foot in the savanna and they are: the Lion, Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo, and Leopard. Also there are the Ugly Five which includes: the Warthog, Hyena, Wildebeest, Vulture, and Marabou stork. I hope to see them all today. But it’ll be fine if I don’t. I honestly probably won’t.

We had to wake up at 6:00 am in the morning when the sun hadn’t even come out yet! How outrageous! Anyhow, we ate the breakfast including eggs, bacon and crepes prepared by our chef Joel, and we got into the no-window safari Land Cruiser with a pop-up top. We drove out of the estate for a few minutes as the entrance was fairly close. 

A Few Minutes Later, we have arrived at the park! Yeah! Our guide David drove us in and we saw zebra right away. In fact, David opened the roof of the safari vehicle so we could get a good view. When I was atop the vehicle, a sudden gust of cold wind shot straight at my face so I had to cover my face with my bandanna, especially my eyes. 

We moved into the open safari. The first animals we saw were a couple of extremely tall ostriches and a cool fact that I learned was that males have black feathers while the females have grey feathers. This is so that males can cluck and dance to attract the females. Soon after we saw a cheetah with two super cute cubs. We learned that this was her fourth litter of cubs. She originally had six cubs but four were killed by eagles. She was walking very slowly and carefully to avoid attention, well at least that is what I thought. Then we saw a herd of wildebeest walking on the road. Next we saw a few really big Cape buffalo and man, those horns are big! 

Next, the guide took us to a lion gathering area. Next to it were about 3 adult female lions and 2 male lions. When the lions yawn, I tell you, that is something I will never forget because I’ve only ever seen it in movies before and this time is the first time seeing it in real life. Soon, the adults woke up and perked up their ears, possibly they have sensed a form of something, maybe us. After our fair share of photos we kept on driving. 

In no time, we were back in the car and on our way to see more animals. Soon I was messing with the camera and was trying to get a good angle of the car and the view. Later we drove back to Naretoi estate which is where the house is. Well I guess that was the end of the game drive. It was honestly an amazing experience and I highly recommend for you to go. Then the car brought us straight to the house. We had a great time everyone, and if you are interested in going or have any questions, please comment to let me know.


  • Rand

    Rand is a 12 year old boy who has lived in China his whole life. He enjoys cooking, playing video games, crafting one-of-a-kind hand-made creations and hanging out with his friends.

2 thoughts on “Game Drive in the Enonkishu Conservancy”

  1. I like your story very much. Please write more often to share. The animals you saw reminded me of a movie and songs that you’ve also watched and liked… I want to ask you if you have heard anybody in Africa saying the words “Hakuna Matata”? Love, WP

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