
Song is the mother of four children. She and her family have stepped away from it all and in September 2023, began traveling the world while homeschooling. Song is an ABC (American born Chinese) and has an undergraduate degree from Cornell and an MBA from Harvard. She is an entrepreneur and an educator. Her hobbies include learning, traveling, reading, cooking and baking, and being with children.

Kibera in Nairobi

I booked a tour of Kibera, known as the “largest slum in Africa”, through Airbnb Experiences. I had initial hesitations because firstly, I wasn’t sure if there would be any safety concerns in such an economically deprived area and secondly, we absolutely want to avoid any form of voyeuristic or exploitative tourism. My fears were …

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Karura Forest in Nairobi

We woke up on our first morning in Nairobi at about 5:00 am because of the 5 hour time difference from Shanghai. RY had already told me that he intends to do a lot of the cooking during the trip. He and DY made a delicious breakfast of pancakes with chocolate chunks (using leftover chocolate …

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Introduction to Nairobi

First Impressions The first thing I noticed about Nairobi is that it is dusty and the color of the dust is different from other places I’ve been. It is a rich orange-red color, like the burnt sienna crayon from the Crayola box I had as a child. I was curious what causes the color and …

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What is Home?

Since we began planning our trip and researching the Airbnb’s that we would stay in, I have been thinking deeply about the concept of “home”. In my life, I have lived in about 10 different places and at various times, referred to each of those places as “home”. During our trip, I anticipate having to …

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Zai Jian Shanghai

We are preparing to say goodbye to the place our family calls home – where Leo and I met, where we were married, where our children were born, where we did meaningful work and where we made wonderful friends. This place has been our home and these people our community for much of our adult …

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Long to Short

RY, AY and DY have been growing their hair out for a few years. Their hair got pretty long, down into the middle of their backs. It created extra work for sure but their hair was fine and straight enough that it didn’t need too much care. It did require the occasional thorough wash and a good brush …

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