The People and Places of Egypt

This is an ongoing page for Dean to share his research on the places we visit and the people we encounter.


Without water there would be no life. Without The Nile River there would be no Egypt. Ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest civilizations ever about 5,000 years old. The most famous thing in Egypt are the PYRAMIDS OF GIZA and THE SPHINX! The Pyramids were built by Khufu a.k.a Keops, Khafre a.k.a Chephren and Menkaure a.k.a Mykerinos. They were father, son and grandson. The Sphinx has a head of a pharaoh and the body of a lion and this represents a wise king and a brave lion. Modern day Egyptians are 90% Muslim and 10% Christian.

Capital city:  Cairo
Population: 99,413,317
Land area: 1,001,449 square kilometers
Official language: Arabic
Currency: Egyptian pounds

Map of Egypt

Flag of Egypt

Fun Facts

1. The pharaohs have been removed from the pyramids.
2. The mask of King Tut is in the Egyptian Museum.
3. The real Rosetta Stone is In the British Museum.
4. The Sphinx is carved from a single piece of limestone.
5. Khufu’s pyramid is made of limestone and alabaster.


  • Dean

    Dean is a 7 year old boy who strives to always do his best. He cares about his family, friends, teachers, stuffed animals and toys. He enjoys playing the Nintendo Switch, watching TV, reading and being a cheerful guy.

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