Makadi Water World, Hurghada

I was so excited to find the Makadi Water World during my research on Hurghada because I owed the kids a visit to a water park (see my blog post on Marloth Park). Last month when we were in South Africa, we had planned to go to a tiny water park in the visitor center of Marloth Park called Atlantis. It was a teeny tiny water park and only had a few slides, but the kids were so excited to see it. We had planned a visit to go on the Monday when the weather report predicted hot weather and before we headed into Kruger National Park. When I checked their website on Sunday night, we discovered that Atlantis was closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Needless to say, the kids were disappointed. They got over it quickly enough, but since that incident, I have felt that I owed them a water park.

There are a few large water parks in Hurghada, most attached to hotels. I decided on Makadi because it looked like the biggest. Makadi advertises over 50 water rides and attractions. The size of the park is impressive with a capacity of thousands. It is easily the largest water park I’ve ever seen. When we arrived, there couldn’t have been more than a hundred people in the entire park so we essentially had the whole place to ourselves.

Lunch, snacks and drinks are included in the admission price. The food and drink area consisted of several bars serving different types of western food – hamburgers and hot dogs, sandwiches, pizza and soft-serve ice cream and fruit.

There are three distinct areas for visitors of different ages – one area with the scary waterslides for big kids and adults, another area for young kids around 5-7 and another area for kids younger than that. We found a shady place for Wai Gong and Wai Po to park themselves and relax. The rest of us went off in groupings that changed throughout the afternoon. Jiu Jiu was dragged off to the big slides by DY for a while and then ended the day with AY and RY. Leo stayed with EY in the small kids play area for a while and then went on the big slides with DY. When Leo was with EY, I went with DY to the young kid’s area and then to the scary slides. Sometimes we all met somewhere unexpectedly and the kids all played together.

The kids couldn’t get enough. Even when the sun went down and it started to get chilly, the three older kids didn’t want to leave. We left the park just after 6 pm because it was closing and even then, only reluctantly. I think I made good on my promise to bring the kids to a waterpark. And I’m sure they would all agree that it was worth the wait.

Unbeknownst to us at the time, the night was far from over as we had another unexpected adventure ahead of us. Leo and I each called an Uber to get back to our Airbnb. Leo’s Uber came quite quickly and he, my dad, my brother and RY left for home. My Uber was just a few minutes away so we waited by the road. When my Uber arrived, the driver offered to drive us but for about 5-10 times the cost of the Uber and cash only. I refused, canceled the ride and ordered another Uber. The next driver came very quickly and the same thing happened. Again, I refused, canceled the ride and ordered another car. I received a message from the driver asking me how much I would pay in cash for the ride. I replied that I would pay through Uber. Right away, he cancelled the ride. By the third time, I began to understand what was happening. It was getting dark so my mom and I brought AY, DY and EY to sit next to the main gate of Makadi Water World where there was a light and a guard on duty. I tried a few more times to call an Uber but I had figured out that the drivers in the area were basically using Uber to connect them to riders and then extorting the riders with exorbitant fares.

As we were sitting at the side of the road, a man with tight curls in his hair approached us and asked us if we needed a taxi. He seemed friendly and nice enough. I told him yes but only if he would charge us a reasonable amount. He asked me how much I was willing to pay and I told him the amount that Uber charges. He laughed lightly but said that would be impossible. Then I asked him how much he wanted. He said an amount lower than the previous quotes but still higher than Uber. I thanked him, smiled and told him no thanks. A tourist van drove by and stopped to ask me where we needed to go. Again, we couldn’t agree on a price.

The kids were getting impatient and although I didn’t want to give in to this scam, I was feeling a little desperate. Without a better option, I continued to try to get a car on Uber. I felt hopeful when a driver came through on the system. The driver messaged me and told me what he wanted for the ride. It was one of the lowest asks and I couldn’t see any better option. Fine. He was parked just a few meters ahead so we walked toward his car. When I approached the window, I saw that it was the same man with the curly hair who had approached us about half an hour ago. We smiled at each other in recognition. He probably knew this would happen. No hard feelings. I think he was just using the system to earn a decent living.

The whole ordeal took about an hour and the ride home was about 45 minutes. The kids were tired and hungry and I just wanted to get them home safely.


  • Song

    Song is the mother of four children. She and her family have stepped away from it all and in September 2023, began traveling the world while homeschooling. Song is an ABC (American born Chinese) and has an undergraduate degree from Cornell and an MBA from Harvard. She is an entrepreneur and an educator. Her hobbies include learning, traveling, reading, cooking and baking, and being with children.

1 thought on “Makadi Water World, Hurghada”

  1. 11/26 馬卡迪水世界/水上樂園

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