The People and Places of Kenya

This is an ongoing page for Dean to share his research on the places we visit and the people we encounter.

Local Ocean Conservation in Watamu

Today we are on another  awesome journey in Watamu.  I went to Local Ocean Conversation to study turtles because some species of sea turtles are endangered. They help endangered species of turtles by keeping the turtles’ nests safe, making a catch and release program for local fishermen and they are a hospital for injured or sick turtles. I wish humans would just understand that sea turtles are a very important part of the marine ecosystem.

This is my artwork.

Fun Facts

  1. 1 out of 1000 sea turtles grow up to be a healthy adult.
  2. 5 out of the 7 species of sea turtles are in Kenya.
  3. Green sea turtles are poached for their meat .
  4. Hawksbill turtles are poached for their shell.
  5. The temperature of the sand determines if the turtle is male or female.

Enonkishu Conservancy In the Mara

We are in Mara Moja in the Enonkishu conservancy. Enonkishu conservancy is where stake holder’s can get what they need. For example the local Maasai people get money and a place to graze their cattle. And the cattle get’s a safe place to live and the tourists get to see the animals.

Today I went on a game drive where I saw a lot of animals. There were  so many zebra,impala and wildebeest that I counted them each as 100.

Fun Facts

  1. At the visitor center visitors can learn to bead with Jackie.
  2. The Naretoi  estate is in Enonkishu  conservancy.
  3. Enonkishu  conservancy is 6000 acres.
  4. June to March is the best time to visit.
  5. You can see all of the big five in Enonkishu  conservancy.

Nairobi National Park

All of the big five are found in the park,except for the elephant. Nairobi national park is the smallest national park in Kenya. The special thing it is located in Nairobi so if you live in Nairobi you don’t need to drive too far to go on safari. I visited Nairobi national park a day ago. We rode in a special safari vehicle where the rooftop can open up so we can stand up on the seat so we can look at the animals. 


We saw lots of animals and I even made a bar chart of the animals we saw! 


  1. It was the first park to be established in Kenya in 1946.
  2. It is the only wildlife park in the world that is near a city.
  3. It has over 90 species of mammals.
  4. There is an  ivory burning site where illegal ivory is burned every few years.
  5. The best time to visit is during the dry months July to October.


The main reason people want to come to Kenya is to experience the animals and nature. Well it’s good that we are on a trip around the world and we’re going to see tons of interesting things. Our first stop is Kenya and we are currently in Nairobi,the capital city. I will share some information with you.


Capital city: Nairobi 

Population: 47.6 million 

Land area: 580,367 square km

Official languages: Swahili and English 

Currency:Kenyan shilling

Flag of Kenya

Fun Facts

  1. It’s national animal is the East African lion.
  2. Kenya became independent in 1963.
  3. School is free in Kenya but a lot of kids have to help their parents.
  4. The first women to win a Nobel peace prize,Wangari Maathai was from Kenya.
  5. It is a major economy on Africa’s east coast with early human kind and a vibrant future.


  • Dean

    Dean is a 7 year old boy who strives to always do his best. He cares about his family, friends, teachers, stuffed animals and toys. He enjoys playing the Nintendo Switch, watching TV, reading and being a cheerful guy.

6 thoughts on “The People and Places of Kenya”

  1. I learned a lot from your information Dean, I hope you may post more so that I can see the world following your step. Have fun!

  2. Pingback: Nairobi National Park

  3. Very informative, Dean! Thank you for sharing everything with us! I look forward to read more from your trip around the world! 🌸🌸

  4. Hi Dean, thank you that I learned so many animals from your research. Among them, 斑马,黑斑羚,角马 are most popular with a lot more numbers than others.
    Questions for you:
    1) Did you smell anything in the air with these animals around?
    2) Did different animals have their own smells?
    3) For all the animals you have seen so far, which (three) ones did you like the most (pick 3)?
    Love, WP

  5. Such interesting reports on Kenya, the Enonkisch Conservatory and the turtles. I have learned a lot from your reports. Thanks for sharing.

    Grand-auntie Hu

  6. Hi Dean,
    What an impressive research blog you created! I’m so impressed. I can see you put a lot of effort into this. I can’t wait to read more about the places you will be visiting. I love to learn about the places in the world. Thank you for sharing.

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